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Conversation management
Enhance customer interaction through smarter
conversations management
Putting customers first
Ensure that all communication topics are customer-centered and customer needs are the first priority.
Solving problems as guide for KPI
Allow agents to collaborate with team and other departments in real time, improving the speed and accuracy of customer inquiries.
Customers need to have the perceptions of being unique identification and to have a humanized service, so that their expectations can be fulfilled.
Centralized workplace to track and manage customer requests from various channels
Ticketing feature streamlines operations, resulting in faster and more efficient customer service and support.
Omnichannel support with ticket list in one inferface
Gives a real-time update on each ticket's status and TAT for closure
Customizable SLA management
Split and merge tickets
Detailed reporting and analytics
User management and role-based access control
Collaboration tools for teams
Routing rules
Global and customizable route to a chat queue
Global and customizable route to a chat queue
Each chat is assigned to the designated and available chat queue. Multiple filtering conditions are used to create customizable routing rules.
Skill-based routing
Skill-based routing
Routing chats to agents based on their experience or skills necessary to address their concerns efficiently.
Prevent unnecessary transfers by getting chats to the appropriate agent in the chat queue, handle time can remain low.
SLA policy
Customer-based SLA
Customer-based SLA
  • The very first response sent to the customer
  • Every response that's sent after the first response
  • Resolution time after establishing the ticket
  • Multiple filtering conditions to establish customizable SLA policy
    Multiple filtering conditions to establish customizable SLA policy
  • Identify the filtering conditions
  • Define SLA tiers
  • Set response and resolution time targets
  • Monitor and measure performance
  • Review and update
  • Communicate with stakeholders
  • Office hours
    Effectively manage and optimize their customer service operations during specific working hours.
    Conversation ratings
    Allow organizations to gather feedback and evaluate the quality of customer interactions.
    Conversation info & history
    Comprehensively view each customer's communication history, provide personalized and efficient customer service.
    Advanced inbox view filter
    Allow agents to customize their inbox view by applying filters based on various criteria such as priority, status, or specific customer attributes.
    Role management
    Allow administrators to define and assign specific roles to agents, supervisors, enabling them to access the necessary tools and resources based on their responsibilities.
    By assigning tags to conversations, agents can easily search and retrieve relevant information, track trends, and generate insightful reports.
    Internal notes
    Enables agents to record and share important information about customer interactions which can enhances collaboration for agents to communicate and access relevant notes.
    @mention feature
    Make it much easier for you to connect with specific colleagues and needed resources as you collaborate